Customized Your sauna room

Size of sauna room

Small size

1-2 persons

Medium size

3-4 persons

Large size

5+ persons

Type of woods

SAWO sauna rooms are made from the finest softwoods Cedar, Aspen and Spruce and designed with the touch of Finnish traditions and know-how. Each material has their own distinct character which separates them from other.

Cedar (D)

Spruce (S)

Aspen (A)

Bench Sauna Design

Available sauna room interior designs for Cedar and Aspen are Wave, Piano and Classic designs. Piano and Classic designs are also available for Spruce sauna rooms.

Classic Bench Sauna

The atmosphere and outlook of Classic design honors Finnish sauna as it has been for ages. Each piece of wood is symmetrically and neatly arranged next to each other. Classic design is simple and beautiful at the same time.

Piano Bench Sauna

This design combines modern and traditional interiors. The name of the design is Piano. Take a look and you can see why.

Wave Bench Sauna

Finland – the land of thousand lakes. The inspiration for Wave design comes from the origin of sauna. The shapes of waves are brought inside sauna room to create relaxing and calm atmosphere.

Sauna location

SAWO outdoor saunas are made to last severe weather conditions. Top coated walls and durable asphalt shingle roof protects from sun and rain thus making sauna long-lasting.

Outdoor Sauna Room

Indoor Sauna room

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Please write us as much information, wishes and specific details about the sauna room.